‘I matter- Supported Living’ is passionate about making a difference in the lives of young adults with Learning Disabilities, in the local community.

We make sure young adults are placed in a comfortable environment, we mentor them with all the necessary tools and skills they need, towards living independently.

We work effectively with the Local Authorities and Support Services by ensuring they get involve in various activities in the community.

We accept referrals from organisations,  the local authority and anyone else no matter their background.

We are very friendly and approachable; you can always get in touch with us.


The following packages of support are examples of what is on offer:

    • We have staff in rotation 24/7.
    • Overnight on-site support.
    • We have 24 hour one to one support.
    • We also have tailor made packages of support, specific to clients’ requirements.
    • Emergency Placements.
    • Respite Support.

Do get in touch

Are you interested in our services?

Fill out the form below, and we will respond as soon as we can.